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The Paratwa (#3 in the Parawta Saga) Page 13

  "Examination of the remains has shown a molecular breakdown—of unknown origin—affecting nearly all of the plastics and metals within the vessel. However, the bodies of the crew exhibited no such molecular deterioration—they died because of the incredible stresses inherent in the implosion. This factor suggests that the weapon was designed for use against nonorganic materials."

  Van Ostrand frowned. “I've never heard of such a weapon. Are there any known pre-Apocalyptic prototypes?"

  Huromonus shook his head. “Preliminary checks of the archives have thus far located no corollaries. Naturally, it's possible that such data once existed and never survived the Apocalypse. Or the sunsetter may have wiped out all traces of this weapon."

  "About this sunsetter,” posed Van Ostrand. “Is there any possibility that the real goal of this mysterious data destroyer is to infiltrate our defense network? And not the archives, as has been assumed?"

  "An interesting theory,” replied the Lion, “but one that we have pretty much dismissed."

  Inez agreed. “Adam Lu Sang and Nick looked into that possibility very early on, but they ruled it out as too complex for even the sunsetter to accomplish. The sunsetter is capable of decimating specific programs, even duplicate programs within the same system, but there is no way for it to permanently destroy, for instance, a particular program within your defense network. If it wiped out such data, you could simply replace the data after cleansing the system. The sunsetter's great destructive capabilities within the archives arise from the fact that many of those programs are irreplaceable."

  "Granted that what you're saying is true,” continued Van Ostrand, “would it not be possible for this sunsetter to at least temporarily paralyze the operation of our defense network at a critical juncture?"

  "Yes,” admitted Inez, “I suppose that's possible."

  The Lion shook his head. “But Nick and Adam considered such a scenario unlikely. As is stated in my formal report, the sunsetter seems to be irrevocably attuned to hunting down and destroying this one particular ancient program: Freebird. All of its actions to date point to a search-and-destroy mission aimed at wiping out this Freebird."

  "For reasons that are not yet comprehended,” said Van Ostrand.


  Huromonus added, “Since my action/probe confirmed what Adam Lu Sang knew from the beginning—that there was a sunsetter loose in the archives—we have turned up some disturbing irregularities in the network, dating back to a period some twenty-two years ago. That is when we believe the sunsetter was first allowed to penetrate the archives."

  "How?” asked Van Ostrand.

  "We don't know."

  Inez said, “There are rumors ... that Doyle Blumhaven is suspected of being involved with the original inputting of this sunsetter."

  Huromonus shrugged. “We investigate many rumors. But until substantial evidence is uncovered, we will let the freelancers handle such allegations."

  It had to be Blumhaven, thought the Lion. Huromonus must also suspect that Doyle was involved, although he obviously was not yet ready to make such knowledge public. Nevertheless: If Doyle had something to do with inputting the sunsetter, then that means he is in league with the Paratwa. Did they kill him too? Did the Paratwa make Doyle disappear in the same manner that Susan Quint was made to vanish?

  Inez cleared her throat. “Getting back to the technology utilized by the assassin, we believe that the explosion on the ridge in front of the house was the result of traditional rocket-launched explosives. A geo cannon sprocketed with vapor grenades is our best guess. It was likely mounted along the underframe of the attack vehicle. Several Costeaus who were wearing active crescent webs were also believed to have been killed by this weapon. A geo cannon is one of the few artillery weapons known to be able to blast through a defensive web."

  "Why wasn't this ICN vehicle scanned when it entered your retreat?” asked Van Ostrand, with just the faintest trace of accusation in his voice. “You have state-of-the-art tracking gear."

  The Lion sighed. More than any of them, Van Ostrand—the militarist—longed to find fault with the methodology of their defenses. He wasn't there at the retreat. He doesn't understand.

  "The vehicle was scanned,” the Lion answered calmly. “Absolutely nothing unusual was detected."

  Van Ostrand frowned. “So it appears that we are also confronted by superior screening devices."

  "That's correct,” said Inez. “Also in this regard, the Paratwa apparently possess a crescent web nullifier more powerful than our own salene. When this nullifier was activated, all active webs, within an area of unknown parameters, were deactivated. By comparison, our own salene is capable only of temporarily interrupting an energy field."

  "So they're ahead of us there, as well,” murmured Van Ostrand.

  "It would appear so,” said Inez. “And although our salene—used against one of the tways by Buff Boscondo—did disrupt the assassin's web, it did so only momentarily. The tway was quickly able to neutralize the salene's discharge."

  Huromonus turned to the Lion. “This Costeau—this Buff—I am curious as to where she procured her salene. E-Tech still lists that device as a fully restricted item. As yet, only a few special E-Tech Security units possess them."

  The Lion sighed. “As I understand it, the prototype has been available on the Sirak-Brath black market for quite some time."

  "I suppose that fact should not surprise me,” replied Huromonus, “given the extent of E-Tech corruption that my people have thus far uncovered."

  Van Ostrand arched his eyebrows. “This Buff Boscondo—did she survive the attack?"

  The Lion stared at the far wall. “We found her in the A-frame, in what was left of one of the rooms. Buff had been killed in a particularly gruesome manner. She was slain by the tway known as Slasher, literally chopped to pieces by flash daggers."

  "I see,” muttered Van Ostrand.

  Inez explained. “Buff had been with Gillian and Martha during the Venus Cluster incident. At the retreat massacre, none of the other close-combat victims bore such severe injuries. Buffs wounds would indicate that the Paratwa bore an extreme personal grudge."

  Beneath the table, out of sight, the Lion balled his hands into fists.

  "What about Gillian,” probed Van Ostrand. “There's still no sign of him?"

  "We don't know where Gillian is,” the Lion truthfully admitted. He said nothing about Buff's final message regarding the mysterious Jalka and the Church of the Trust priest.

  "And this Nick ... was he gravely injured?"

  Initially, the Lion had wanted to divulge the entire truth to the Council, explain how they had dug the midget out from under the collapsed wall, how surprised they had been to learn that he had suffered only minor injuries. But Nick had insisted that some deceits be maintained.

  "Nick was transported to one of our hospitals back in Den,” said the Lion. “He is still in a coma."

  Edward Huromonus frowned but remained silent.

  Inez continued. “Other technology utilized by the assassin includes some sort of electromagnetic device—described as ‘gray lightning'—that appeared beneath the tway who was outfitted in the jetpak. This ‘gray lightning’ device appears to have been both offensive and defensive, able to protect the jetpak rider as well as serve as a ravaging assault weapon.

  "Finally, there was the assault car itself, which, during the heat of the battle, managed to alter its shape and colorings, changing from a low-slung standard-issue ICN vehicle into an E-Tech cruiser. The pre-Apocalyptics dabbled in this sort of technology, although the archives"—she turned to Huromonus—"do not appear to list direct antecedents."

  Huromonus nodded. “We're still searching."

  "Transformers,” suggested Van Ostrand. “I remember hearing that term once. I believe that is what the pre-Apocalyptics used to call these shape-changers."

  "Thank you,” said Huromonus, typing the word into his terminal. “We'll reference ‘transformers’ in o
ur search grid."

  "And there was absolutely no trace of this vehicle after the attack?” asked Van Ostrand.

  "Apparently,” said Huromonus, “the tway in the assault car managed to escape during the massive turmoil following the attack."

  "And what happened to the other two tways?” asked Van Ostrand, looking more incredulous by the moment. “How did they escape?"

  "The one in the jetpak landed in the woods and apparently walked right through our lines.” Huromonus shrugged. “The third tway, Slasher ... we believe he rendezvoused with the assault car."

  An angry scowl distorted Van Ostrand's face. “You had hundreds of your security personnel surrounding that preserve!"

  Inez shook her head. “Jon, you seem to be searching for a culprit here—someone to blame. But please don't judge this incident through too narrow an eye. This creature has struck the Colonies twelve times that we know of. And with the exception of the Venus Cluster incident, we have not been able to even remotely hinder its actions.” Her knuckles skimmed along the edge of the table, like an ancient set of bearings unleashed from their journal box, rolling out of control. “Now I understand why the pre-Apocalyptics tried so hard to wipe them out."

  "They're superior to human beings,” interjected the Lion. “True, in certain limited respects,” granted Van Ostrand. “They're faster—"

  "Superior,” insisted the Lion, aware that this tack would produce nothing but argument. But he seemed unable to control himself.

  "The Paratwa are superior to human beings; that's the real reason the pre-Apocalyptics attempted a controlled genocide of them. Every last one of them was to be destroyed, even the ones who essentially did nothing to harm humans. But racially, we were scared of them. They represented an interspecies competition the likes of which modern humans never had to face. The Paratwa had to be totally and utterly destroyed. It was the only way for us to feel secure."

  Van Ostrand smirked. “That's an interpretation usually reserved for those who turn their backs on a fight."

  He doesn't understand, thought the Lion, even while wondering whether his own recent cowardice was influencing his views.

  No, it's more than just my own feelings. The Paratwa are superior to us. That's a simple truth, but one that has remained unexamined within the collective consciousness of the human race for over three centuries. We can't truly face that reality, so we rationalize. We tell ourselves that we're the best there is, but we're not. We created a species that was better.

  "This is a pointless discussion,” said Losef, turning to Inez. “Are there any other technological elements that bear examination at this time?"

  "I think we've covered most everything."

  The ICN Director flicked a stray strand of hair from her forehead, laid it on her fingertip, studied it as if it possessed great importance. “The Paratwa envoy, Meridian, will be arriving in Irrya in three days. This attack could be construed as a deliberate preamble to his arrival. Perhaps the blatant display of high-tech weapons was meant to serve as a warning to the Colonies."

  "Soften us up a little,” said Van Ostrand, snorting. “Scare us into accepting whatever terms this Meridian is prepared to offer."

  "That scenario seems probable,” said Losef.

  The Lion felt a chill go through him. The Paratwa have made the Council's greatest fears come true. They have confronted us with unknown technology.

  Inez faced Huromonus, but her questions were really meant for Losef. “What about Venus Cluster? This corporation has already been linked to the Paratwa. Have your investigators learned anything new?"

  "No,” said Huromonus. “To date, Venus Cluster has proved to be a dead end. So far, all we've been able to learn is that a tway of this assassin had been placed in the position of a VP within the company. Naturally, he disappeared following the encounter with Gillian, Buff, and Martha.” Huromonus paused. “It might prove extremely helpful if the ICN could provide some leadership in this area."

  On the FTL screens, Jon Van Ostrand bobbed his head in agreement.

  Losef gazed at each of them in turn. Then: “I have again presented these wishes to the ICN board. Here is their formal response.” She read from her monitor. “The ICN Directors’ Board deeply appreciates the concerns raised by the Council of Irrya with regard to the issue of the ownership of the corporation Venus Cluster. It is with deep regret that we cannot satisfy your data request.

  "You must understand that the continued stability of the ICN policy that regulates corporate ownership is an issue of extreme sensitivity to the Directors’ Board and, ultimately, of vital concern to the Colonies. Within the infrastructure of today's marketplace, more than eighty percent of corporate investments are totally shielded. We all know the reasons for this strategy, which was initiated fifty-six years ago by the Council of Irrya. At that time, a tremendous amount of seed money was sought for weapons and defense development, in order that the Paratwa threat of today might be effectively neutralized. All of us are fully aware of the frightening cost of maintaining two million Guardians along a state-of-the-art defense perimeter.

  "Over the past fifty-six years, we acquired much of that seed money by promising full anonymity to the investors. To create even one exception to this policy—to reveal just one set of corporate investors—could theoretically lead to a massive—and quite instantaneous—monetary crash, brought on by the withdrawal of investments. For better or worse, the sanctity and security of our investment process has served as a primary attraction for investors. For better or worse, the Colonies of Irrya exist within an almost fully deregulated venture-capital marketplace. It would be nothing less than criminal of the ICN to threaten this stability.

  "The ICN fully recognizes the gravity of the Venus Cluster situation. But even under the circumstances outlined by the Council, we cannot risk—especially at this time, with the grave threat of the Paratwa hanging over us—the revelations that you crave."

  Losef calmly scanned their faces. “Any questions?"

  Inez released a weary sigh.

  The Lion knew that the banking consortium's real objections had not been stated. What the ICN truly feared were the Sirak Brath-based black marketers, with their massive investments.

  It was the black marketers who would, at the first sign of collusion between the ICN and the Council, take their money and run. It was the black marketers who realized that public exposure of their investments could very well be the first step in tracing such funds to illegal sources. And it was the black marketers, acting in tandem, who had the power to bring on an economic depression. Grudgingly, the Lion accepted the ICN's reluctance to tamper with a system flawed by such an inherent instability.

  But still ... there had to be some way of penetrating Venus Cluster's secrets.

  Huromonus smiled. “Perhaps someone could leak the information to us?"

  Losef shook her head. “Leaking the information could produce the same net results. The clandestine discharging of data also is not a viable option.” And then, suddenly, she said: “Recorders off."

  They all turned to her, surprised. The Lion could not recall Losef ever overriding the electronic transcribers once a Council meeting had begun.

  "We're all ears,” offered Inez.

  "We are not blind to our duties here,” said Losef. “The ICN has proposed a compromise. Acting solely through me, and within the sanctity of this Council, the ICN will confirm ownership of Venus Cluster. You will have to provide the initial data, but if your data is on the mark, we will validate. Confirmation—that's the best we can do."

  "Better than nothing,” mused Van Ostrand.

  "It's a start,” Inez agreed.

  The Lion was about to quiz Losef on just what exactly the ICN would consider as proper initial data when Huromonus held up his hand.

  "A message from an E-Tech Security contingent stationed in Pocono Colony,” he announced, reading from his terminal. “Doyle Blumhaven's body has just been found. It was discovered at the bottom of an u
nauthorized ski slope, in a small ravine."

  Huromonus silently proceeded to scan the screen. Lines across his forehead fissured: his whole face cracked into a deep frown. When he continued, an undercurrent of grim anger flowed beneath his words.

  "A group of snow hikers came across the body. Upon first examination, they thought that it might have been an accidental death—a fall. But examination revealed that Blumhaven's head had been severed from his torso and then apparently crudely sewn back on. The initial autopsy reveals evidence of cauterization along the neck. The decapitation was caused by a Cohe wand."

  "The monster struck again,” whispered Inez.

  The Lion again recalled the short message that the tway had displayed for him at the end of the massacre. Sixteen sparkling green words. Sappho's warning: YOU CAN LIVE UNDER OUR DOMAIN OR YOU CAN DIE UNDER IT. THE CHOICE IS YOURS.

  The Lion shuddered.


  Gillian stood poised in the airlock, waiting for the craft's external sensors to announce equal pressurization. He wore a full-G spacesuit, the strongest and most heavily armored one aboard the shuttle, and he had mounted a thruster rifle to the arm pad of the bulky silver gray garment, the barrel of the rifle aimed at the lock's still closed outer airseal. His Cohe wand remained inside the suit; the subtle hand pressures required to use that weapon were effectively neutralized by the stout arm gauntlets.

  Hull microcams should have provided a view of what was outside the airlock, but, like the shuttle's windows, they seemed to have been ... blackened? No matter. He was ready for whatever was on the other side of that door.

  The problem was, he should not have been ready for anything.

  Shuttles were not designed to be submerged in eleven thousand feet of ocean. When those huge teeth had closed around him, when the bizarre organism/contraption began to swallow the craft and draw it down beneath the surface of the Atlantic, Gillian had quickly triggered the emergency high pressurization system. ET3, the shuttle's standard nitrogen/oxygen air mix, had been gradually altered to ETll, a 22 psi low-oxygen synthesis of helium and argon.