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The Paratwa (#3 in the Parawta Saga) Page 30
The Paratwa (#3 in the Parawta Saga) Read online
Page 30
Timmy smiled. “For the Apocalypse, of course. I do not know for certain whether or not the nuclear/biological decimation of 2099 would have occurred without Os/Ka/Loq assistance. The human race was becoming more and more self-destructive in its own right. In fact, it's even possible that humanity's pre-Apocalyptic excesses were the prime factor attracting the Biodyysey to this world in the first place. It was—as those contemporary semiotic-driven freelancers might phrase it—'ripe for the picking.'
"But whatever the case, the Os/Ka/Loq planned for the Apocalypse to occur. We, the Ash Ock, along with Paratwa from dozens of other breeding labs, were destined to be the agents of planetary decimation. Sappho created the Royal Caste specifically to unite the thousands of Paratwa so that humanity's destructive tendencies could be accelerated and brought into line with the Os/Ka/Loq timetable. But apparently, the drive toward global havoc fell behind schedule."
Empedocles murmured, “That's why I was created. To ensure that the Apocalypse occurred on time."
"Yes, that was the primary reason. Also, Sappho was beginning to fear the sheer savagery of some of the binaries. Many Paratwa refused to grant allegiance to the Ash Ock because the Royal Caste were not warriors. The Ash Ock did not live by the binding creeds of the assassin. Because of that perceived shortcoming, many Paratwa still refused to trust the Ash Ock.
"In addition, there were a handful of Paratwa in outright revolt against the Royal Caste, a handful shrewd enough to perceive that the Ash Ock were actually attempting to achieve the Apocalypse. These few Paratwa actively opposed Sappho and her minions, and worked to defend the Earth against the Royal Caste.
"And as a final problem, there were a handful of erratic Paratwa—the walking time-bombs like Reemul—whose frequently unpredictable actions also threatened the sanctity of the Os/Ka/Loq timetable.
"In short, too wide a conceptual gap existed between the ordinary breeds and the Ash Ock. Many of the assassins were beginning to buy the Ash Ock ‘dream’ of a united race of Paratwa, but many others remained unable, or unwilling, to grant their full allegiance.
"And so, you were created. Empedocles—the Ash Ock warrior, whose mastery in combat would help doubters become Ash Ock sympathizers.” Timmy grinned. “You were to bring new stability to the concept of a united Paratwa, so that the Os/Ka/Loq vision of Earth destruction could occur as planned. In fact, even though the E-Tech raid on Thi Maloca and the death of Catharine cut short your ‘career,’ the very fact of your existence proved beneficial. Meridian's allegiance to the Royal Caste was further sealed by a challenge to train you and make you the best of the assassins. And Meridian's early reports on your abilities, coupled with my own high recommendations, did serve to bring some wavering Paratwa into the fold.
"Of course, Sappho and Theophrastus were aware that you yourself could, theoretically, also become an eventual threat to their plans."
Empedocles nodded twice. “That's why they implanted my tways with mnemonic cursors and arranged a specific technique for arming those cursors."
"Exactly. It was to be a means of control, albeit a limited one, for only your tways could fall under the manipulation of that protolingual tongue—which, incidentally, came from a deep-brain language developed by the Os/Ka/Loq. But your monarchial consciousness remained capable of overriding any mnemonic cursor.” Timmy paused. “They did not want to provide that severe an inhibition upon your natural abilities.
"And so, to a small degree, your influence did help maintain the Os/Ka/Loq timetable. The Apocalypse occurred on schedule. Gaia—the totality of Earth's organic concoction—was essentially erased from the planet. This tapestry of life, which reeked of the lacking, which was perceived as totally unnatural by Os/Ka/Loq standards, was wiped out to prepare the Earth for reseeding.
"You see, the great strength of Os/Ka/Loq life-forms—their ability to develop in telepathic harmony with one another—also remains their greatest weakness. Without extreme efforts on their behalf, the tapestry of Os/Ka/Loq life could not hope to compete with organisms from environments where T-psionic energies remained spartan. In particular, within the kascht of ultra-competitive Earth organisms, where the concept of survival of the fittest reigned supreme, the Os/Ka/Loq life-forms would have stood little chance of survival. The delicacy of their interdependence requires a less threatening, more gentle ecosphere.
"Although Earth remained weak in the T-psionic force, it did possess the proper attributes for sustaining organic life. Despite the vast differences between Os/Ka/Loq and Earth organisms, the planets themselves shared what was indeed a rarity throughout the Os/Ka/Loq-explored galaxy. Both worlds existed within that proper window of biological opportunity, which permitted carbon-based life-forms to thrive near maximum levels."
Empedocles produced two mild frowns. “The Os/Ka/Loq obviously possess tools far superior to Earth-based technology. Why such a convoluted plan for destroying Earth's organic tapestry? Why not simply come here in their starship—this Biodyysey—and wipe out the planetary gaia? Then simply terraform the world to their own specifications?"
"Excellent questions,” complimented Timmy. “And you are correct in your assessment of their technological superiority. But still, they do have limits. For one thing, they do not possess FTL travel. Einstein's paradigm continues to thwart them. Consequently, they move very slowly throughout the galaxy.
"But what you perceive as a convoluted plan is not really that way at all. In actuality, the Os/Ka/Loq, after countless millennia of experience, have adopted a most expedient method for ‘terraforming’ alien worlds for reseeding. Remember, this cell that we are within—this seed ship—was just one of many sent out ahead of the Biodyysey, in all directions. And each of these cells, containing an Os/Ka/Loq tway, explores within a specific temporal range of the mother ship. As far as I understand, that range has never been greatly altered throughout their spacefaring history.
"When this cell—when Sappho—first reported of conditions here on Earth, the Biodyysey remained approximately three Earth centuries away from our planet. As I said, these individual cells always explore within a specific temporal range of their main vessels. The Os/Ka/Loq are a very calculating, very deliberate species. Long ago, they must have developed this modus operandi for reseeding hostile planets.” Timmy paused. “Can you grasp the significance of that temporal framework?"
"I believe so,” Empedocles replied slowly. “My Gillian-tway gained certain knowledge from the Czar, regarding the natural renewal of the Earth's gaia. The planet is returning to life, coming back from its nuclear/biological devastation. The ecosphere is currently ready to accept a concentrated effort leading toward complete restoration."
"Precisely,” said Timmy. “The Earth is indeed coming back to life. The Os/Ka/Loq, ages ago, established what they obviously consider the best method for reseeding. First, nuclear/biological devastation. And then, after the majority of evolutionary strains are wiped out and the prime carpet of life destroyed, a wait of two hundred and fifty to three hundred Earth years, until such time as the natural process of planetary regenesis begins anew. At the point when true ecospheric turnaround starts to occur—when a planet begins to cleanse itself of its poisons, the Os/Ka/Loq introduce custom-tailored organisms to facilitate the process.
"From reseeding countless worlds, the Os/Ka/Loq have learned to accurately predict the effects of nuclear/biological decimation upon specific ecospheres. They have learned to control the parameters of destruction in order to ensure that their seed ships arrive at the most opportune times.
"But on Earth, what Sappho and the Os/Ka/Loq did not foresee—at least, not until it was too late—was the tenacious insight of numerous individual human beings, many of whom perceived the coming of the Apocalypse with the same clarity as Sappho. And these individuals made their own plans to save the race by bringing E-Tech into existence, by coopting the space cylinders, which were already in the advance stages of construction, and using them as a preserve for the human race.
> "And when the Apocalypse finally came in 2099, when the Ash Ock and many of the Paratwa escaped in the Star-Edge fleet, they left behind a real threat to their ultimate goals. Namely, the Colonies of Irrya."
Empedocles arrived at another conclusion. “The Star-Edge fleet headed into deep space not to colonize other worlds but to rendezvous with the Biodyysey."
Timmy nodded. “Of course. And Codrus was left behind in the Colonies, along with a few other assassins being held in stasis. Codrus was, as I have indicated, never the intellectual equal of the rest of our breed. He would have been of no great use to the Os/Ka/Loq, unlike Theophrastus, whose inherent genius was immediately recognized.
"But Codrus could still contribute to the Os/Ka/Loq goals. First, he would inhibit the Colonies’ technological advancement. Although the Os/Ka/Loq were—and still are—far beyond humans in terms of scientific application, they did have some real concerns about the incredible growth rate of human technology over the past few centuries. They acknowledged the possibility, however slight, that the Irryan Colonies, if scientifically unshackled, might indeed reach a level of technological sophistication that could pose a threat to their returning Biodyysey.
"But Codrus succeeded in keeping E-Tech strong. Technological advancement was effectively controlled and stifled, at least until fifty-six years ago. But by then it was too late for humanity ever to catch up.
"Codrus also hindered any concerted colonial efforts at artificially revitalizing the Earth. The Os/Ka/Loq, having timed the arrival of the Biodyysey to coincide with the precalculated natural restorative cycle of the planet, wanted no alteration of that time frame. And so Codrus, secretly working through the auspices of the ICN, effectively prevented any large-scale ecospheric turnaround projects from taking place.” Timmy smiled. “Everything was going along quite nicely for the Os/Ka/Loq until fifty-six years ago, when Codrus's control slipped, leading to a complex sequence of events which ultimately brought us together, here and now."
There has to be a way to stop him, projected Susan. After all, these control cursors are located within your physical body, not mine. Maybe I can dissolve the interlace?
Gillian acknowledged the truth of her statement. But how? It takes both tways, acting in tandem, to reverse the whelm ... He hesitated, recalling the events of fifty-six years past, when he had faced Reemul. Back then, Empedocles had also returned, only to be dissolved a short time later by the fury of the liege-killer's attack. But Gillian knew that those events had occurred under an entirely different set of conditions. That whelm had been very fragile, with only one tway—Gillian—available to give rise to the monarchy. Today's circumstances were different.
Susan read his thoughts. There has to be a way! she insisted.
Timmy may very well be our only hope.
Susan imagined herself swallowing fear, forcing herself to repress a growing sense of terror. If that's true, then we have to act quickly.
You're right. If Timmy's the only one who can bring us back, we don't have much time.
"Council of Irrya, September 18, 2363,” began Maria Losef. “Confidential database, standard access."
"Confidential database?” wondered Jon Van Ostrand, his amplified voice tinged with sarcasm, his rugged face contorting into multiple sneers on the pentagonal FTL screens. “These days, that seems to be a real misnomer. We may as well hold these meetings in a freelancer studio!"
"The disclosures that you refer to have caused minimal damage,” Losef said soothingly.
"Minimal?” Exasperated, Van Ostrand shook his head. “How many protesters did you say have gathered outside Council chambers?"
Edward Huromonus, with typical poise, read the latest figures from his monitor. “Estimates are upward of four hundred and fifty thousand in the surrounding streets. Plus at least another three hundred thousand scattered in smaller groups throughout Irrya. Many other colonies are also experiencing vigorous assemblages within their governmental sectors."
"Millions of protesters,” complained Van Ostrand. “And all of them knowing not only that this Paratwa vessel has entered our defensive net but also that fifteen of the Guardians’ advance targeters have assumed attack positions. Worse yet, the protesters have learned the strength and makeup of our primary force. They even know when our first wave will come within offensive range!"
The Lion could not fault the Guardian commander his acrimony. Certainly, it was not misplaced. But Van Ostrand could not be told the truth, at least not yet. It would certainly not do for him to learn that the Lion, Huromonus, and Inez Hernandez had been responsible for leaking the details of these Guardian attack plans to the freelancers.
Huromonus cleared his throat. “About ninety-five percent of these protesters favor an immediate attack upon the invading starship."
"I wasn't aware that the details of defensive strategies were open to public debate,” snapped the Guardian commander.
"The voices of democracy have spoken,” Inez Hernandez added, without so much as a trace of irony.
"Spare me!"
The Lion was not really surprised by Van Ostrand's anger. Nick had foreseen this reaction. Birch hard-liner or not, Van Ostrand possessed enough egotism to want to arrive at his own decisions. Never mind that Irryan citizenry was firmly in his court; if the Guardians were ordered to attack the Biodyysey, Van Ostrand wanted it to be his own decree, not something influenced by the vagaries of public opinion. He remained, in the most traditional sense, a military man. The Lion just hoped that this aspect of Van Ostrand's personality did not jeopardize Nick's ultimate plan.
Losef continued to assuage. “It's quite possible that your anger is misdirected. I doubt whether anyone on this Council would have had reason to leak these details."
Wrong, thought the Lion. We had very good reason.
"Meridian may have been responsible,” suggested Losef.
The Guardian commander glared. “Probably so. Which is why this Council should have held Meridian incommunicado between Council sessions, instead of letting him roam freely throughout Irrya."
"I understand,” said Inez, staring up at the chandelier, “that Meridian has been on an extended shopping spree in several of our major retail districts."
Van Ostrand grimaced.
Losef held up her hand. “Jon, where the leaks originated is of no consequence at this point. You know as well as we do that holding Meridian incommunicado would have been a futile effort. As a tway, he remains in contact with their vessel. Other Paratwa are already here in the Colonies. It's obvious that we're dealing with an information loop beyond our ability to neutralize."
For a moment, Van Ostrand looked ready to offer fresh complaints. Instead, he nodded grudgingly. “All right, I suppose you're correct. And if my anger has been misdirected, I apologize to the Council."
"Thank you,” said Losef. “Now perhaps we can move on to the task at hand. Meridian is waiting outside chambers—"
"Let him wait a while longer,” said Huromonus. “There are some things that the Council must discuss in private."
And these things, mused the Lion, may well determine whether the Colonies survive the coming storm.
It had been Nick's idea to leak the details of the Guardians’ offensive posture. The midget's plan, based on the incredible knowledge that they had accessed from Freebird, seemed, on the surface, desperately ludicrous. Yet the Lion and Huromonus—along with Inez Hernandez, who had been updated on all that they had learned so far—agreed that it was the Colonies’ only hope.
The Lion thought back to their own private pre-Council meeting, held only hours ago. Nick had been there, along with Inez and Huromonus. The E-Tech director had begun the session by reporting what they had learned about CPG Corporation.
Inez had asked: “Has Losef confirmed CPG Corporation as the secret owner of Venus Cluster?"
"We've not yet made the request,” said Huromonus. “Nick believes—and I concur—that we can't risk alerting them."
p; The midget explained. “Losef and the ICN cannot be relied on to do what's best for the ultimate security of the Colonies. Fifty-six years ago, I didn't trust this banking/finance consortium, and recent events have not changed my feelings. I mean, think about it. The Colonies are risking annihilation at the hands of the Paratwa, and the goddamned ICN won't reveal who owns Venus Cluster!"
"Do you think they're involved somehow?” asked Inez.
"No. But I think their mindset is unalterable. They're like the global megacorps of the twenty-first century, whose loyalty to the financial currents transcended all other concerns. The ICN will deal with anyone, even the Paratwa, as long as the money flow is not disturbed. They'll sell out the human race, if that's where the maximum profit can be had."
Huromonus shrugged. “Frankly, I no longer believe that we need ICN confirmation. This Security report on CPG Corporation is most illuminating. There is a woman. She has been the wife of Corelli-Paul Ghandi for almost twenty-five years. Her name is Colette."
They had been intrigued by Huromonus's information. The Lion recalled having met Colette at various social functions over the years. “Colette Ghandi possessed a genuine inner poise,” the Lion related. “I recall her as being very attractive, and in an outright sensual way. And she seemed extremely supportive of her husband. She was even using his last name."
"A real old-fashioned wife,” grumbled Nick.
Huromonus continued. “Records indicate that Colette Ghandi is forty-eight years old. She was born to an unmated Costeau, on a shuttle voyage between the colonies of Teheran and Washington Montana."
"Cute,” said Nick. “No official colonialization records, right?"
"That is correct. And her mother supposedly died shortly after giving birth. The father remained unknown. She was raised by Costeaus, but not within any particular clan.” Huromonus paused. “Data indicate a most interesting history, but one that is nearly untraceable. Supposedly, she first met Ghandi approximately six months after he returned from his final, ill-fated jaunt to the surface."